¡Viva México: The Music, Dance and Poetry of Mexico

By Teatro Paraguas (other events)

7 Dates Through Sep 15, 2024

Teatro Paraguas is pleased to presents ¡Viva México! The Music, Dance and Poetry of Mexico. Beginning in an age before Spanish was even spoken in the Americas, continuing up to present times, ¡Viva México! celebrates the incredibly rich heritage of Mexican music, dance and poetry through a fully staged, choreographed production that coincides with the Mexican Día de La Independencia or Independence Day (September 16).

Singers, musicians and dancers from Teatro Paraguas, Ballet Folclórico Xóchitl, and Los Niños de Santa Fe come together in a lively performance of songs and dances from Pre-Colombian Aztec times, through the ages of Spanish colonization, Mexican Independence, and up to the modern era. Interspersed between music and dance numbers, actors from Teatro Paraguas celebrate the Mexican poetic tradition through showcasing the poetry of contemporary, living Mexican poets.

Music and dance in the show includes the Aztec Tonantzin, 19th century varsovianas, waltzes, serenades, the lively La Cucaracha, ending with the popular Huapango de Moncayo.

All songs and poems will be presented in the original Spanish, with English translations projected above the stage.

¡Viva Mexico! Features a large cast including actors and singers, Alex Streeper, Ali Esmeralda Marin, Cristina Vigil, Elsa Lopez, Jonathan Harrell, Miranda Arteaga, Monica Arteaga, Paola Vengoechea Martini, Roxanne Tapia, Sonia Perez, Antonia Chavez, ilana Burke, and musicians, David Garcia, Mario Reynolds, and Dan Burke.

¡Viva Mexico! Is in collaboration with the wonderful dance groups Ballet Folclórico Xóchiltl of which includes  Rafael Ecamilla, Analicia Guitrón, Daisy Vargas, Mykayla Trujillo, Elizabeth Zambrano, Luis Ontiveros, Jocelyn Flores, Alex Streeper, Paola Vengochea, Rosa Yelma Sánchez, Zulema Chavero, Stevany Aguirre, Armanee Gallegos, Inés Carrillo & Los Ninos de Santa Fe Antonina Valdéz Romp, Director, Ariana Romp, Carmelita Archuleta, Cassandra Petrofes, Colleen Felderwert, Gabriela Chavez, Pilar Maez, Savannah Salbidrez, Vanessa Salbidrez, Kenneth Romp, Diego Lonardoni, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Remigio Torres, Víctor Palma

¡Viva Mexico! Features works from poets; Alberto Blanco, Eduardo Hurtado, Efrain Bartolome, Fabio Morabito, Francisco Segovia, Heriberto Yepez, Luis Miguel Aguilar, Rafael Vargas, Ricardo Yanez, Silvia Tomas Rivera, and Veronica Volkow, among others.

Mailing Address

3205 Calle Marie Santa Fe NM 87507